Why Pre-Emergent and what are the benefits?
Pre-Emergent- Round 1 🌱
Pre-emergent weed control is an important fundamental portion of any lawn care program. Our customers desire dense lawns that possess minimal weed pressure and have vibrant color during the growth season. At Heartland Turf we aim to fulfill those desires practically and ecologically. Therefore, the most effective way to meet the weed control request is building atop the foundation of well-timed and carefully selected pre-emergent control products.
Think of your lawn care program like a Lego set. The early steps aren’t generally glamorous in Legos, but they establish the structure required for the outermost blocks. Without the first step, the last step is not possible. This analogy directly applies to weed control. Without round one, a pre-emergent, the desired final product is not attainable.
What do pre-emergent’s do? Simply put, they keep new weeds from making roots as they emerge from seed. This means that annual weeds can be suppressed by applications of pre-emergent.
With the common goal of beautiful lawns, the use of weed control products is required. Pre-emergent’s allow us to accomplish these goals and reduce the amount of post-emergent’s required to achieve the same task. They are a crucial part of the foundation in any lawn care program and should be seen as a powerful ally.
Heartland’s professional landscape team will take the time to answer any questions that you may have about this treatment. To discuss how we can help you achieve a beautiful lawn, give us a call at 513-322-3733 or visit our website www. heartlandturfco.com we’d love for you to team up with Heartland turf!